Why us?
We are a team of specialists, graduates of technical universities in fields related to unmanned systems.
We have several years of experience providing services with drones.
We use state-of-the-art equipment – both commercially available and created by our designers in response to individual customer needs.
We take care of our customers at every stage of the order – we get to know their needs, advise the best solutions and provide professional services. We are available and willing to answer your questions.
We have the ability to create customized solutions by modifying hardware or software to optimally service each order.
As part of the startup platforms, we are implementing software to analyze data from multispectral cameras.
Precision farming is the future of the industry. Our solutions improve the work of Polish farmers.
Our solutions help you take better care of forests and reduce deforestation. Let’s take care of the future of forests.
The construction industry is increasingly reaping the benefits of unmanned systems.
Environmental measurements
Environmental, air and water pollution measurement services.
Heksakopter X-01
Operations performed
- photogrammetric raids
- multispectral raids
Main uses
- photogrammetric measurements
- multispectral measurements
Heksakopter X-01 z kamerą termalną
Heksakopter X-01 z kamerą multispectralną
- flights with applicators for biological and chemical protection of agricultural and forestry crops Photogrammetric flights and high resolution scanning and laser scanning for orthophotos - transport flights and the discharge of medicinal products for animals
- flights with multi and hyperspectral cameras to assess the size and extent of damage caused by pests in the forest
- flights with thermal imaging cameras for the purpose of searching for or counting game
Operations performed
- photogrammetric raids
- multispectral raids
Main uses
- photogrammetric measurements
- multispectral measurements
„Biorąc pod uwagę zmiany klimatyczne i gospodarcze, Centrum Usług Dronowych wychodzi naprzeciw potrzebom przedsiębiorców rolnych i leśnych. Tego typu innowacje, bazujące na nowych technologiach, pozytywnie wpływają na ich działalność. […] wpisują się w cele strategiczne EIT Food, wpływając pozytywnie na usprawnienie produkcji żywności i jej wpływu na środowisko”
„Uważamy, że włączenie do naszej oferty opracowywanych przez Centrum Usług Dronowych rozwiązań […] może przyczynić się do rozwoju naszej platformy. Co więcej, jesteśmy otwarci na integrację danych pozyskiwanych przy pomocy bezzałogowych statków powietrznych”
Lasy Państwowe
„Z niecierpliwością czekam na finalną wersję oprogramowania oraz […] współpracę z Centrum Usług Dronowych.”
Krajowe Zrzeszenie Producentów Rzepaku
„[…] ich mapy i analizy mogą pozwolić na sprawniejsze zarządzanie gospodarstwem, podejmowanie odpowiednich decyzji oraz zaoszczędzenie czasu. Według mnie, produkt i usługi świadczone przez Centrum Usług Dronowych będą pozytywnie wpływały na moją działalność.”
The Drone Service Centre is a project created by experienced specialists in industries related to unmanned aerial vehicles. Using remote sensing and photogrammetric methods, we provide services to forestry, agricultural and construction entrepreneurs. Our solutions are characterised by innovation and individual approach to the customer. We will help you streamline your work, reduce costs and increase production efficiency. For this purpose, we use unmanned systems, advanced software and multispectral, thermal and photogrammetric sensors.
President / UAV Operator
About the EU project
The company is implementing project no. POPW.01.01.02-18-0023/19 “Software for analysing data from multispectral cameras” as part of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020
Priority axis I: Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland
Measure 1.1 Start-up platforms for new ideas
Sub-measure 1.1.2 Development of start-ups in Eastern Poland
Project title: Software for multispectral camera data analysis
Project objective: to create a product aimed at the agricultural and forestry sectors in the form of analytical software for detailed crop and stand condition assessment, which uses images recorded with multispectral cameras taken from the air by unmanned, manned and satellite devices for analysis.
Planned effects: reduction of costs and negative impact on environment by reducing use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers; time saving and facilitation of work in agriculture and forestry sector; maximization of yields; support in decision making in agriculture and forestry sector; prevention of losses caused by pathogens and pests; support in management of agricultural holdings and forestry; better understanding of natural processes occurring in agricultural holdings and forests.
Project value: the total project value amounts to 1 287 350, 00 PLN
European Fund contribution: 997,475.00 PLN